Our Virtual Photo Album
2016 Arizona Trip Visit to Aunt Marge and Uncle Joe
2016 Art Prize Ray’s second appearance in Art Prize
2016 Chava's Kitchen Look at those counters
2016 Chicago Reunion and Memorial Memories and more memories
2016 Fall Meijer Garden Lot’s of Meijer Garden trips this year
2016 Glamping with G This isn’t the hard tack, peanut butter and Jelly of my youth
2016 Grandville Christmas Parade Look at that Ring!
2016 Grandville Hop Find the mayor
2016 Jon Zimmerman event Back in Chicago for a one night stand
2016 Meijer Garden Christmas The annual event
2016 Meijer Garden Summer Water lilies and more
2016 Misc People walking, Cats on walks
2016 RIT Most of these buildings didn’t exist when I went here
2016 Spring Meijer Garden Cherry blossoms
2016 Stomp out Stigma Another walk
2016 Traverse City Film festival and birthday
2016 Xmas Kasey’s turn to put on the Angel
2016 XR at the zoo Grason the bird man from Grandville